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You’ve got your project nailed with brads and nails from Arrow. Made to the same exacting specifications as our world famous staples, Arrow brad, pin, and angled nails are optimized for use in Arrow tools, but work equally well with most other tool brands. Available in popular lengths and sizes. Accept no substitutes – use Arrow nails for all your projects.

Brad Nails

Brad Nails

Ideal For:

Used for general repairs, trim/molding, all finish carpentry work, flooring and picture framing, Arrow Brad Nails are small 18-gauge nails up to 2 inches long. Because they are thinner in cross section, they are less likely to split decorative molding as they leave a very small hole.

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Angled Nails

Angled Nails

Ideal For:

Recommended for trim/molding and acceptable for general repair and flooring, the 15-gauge Arrow Angled Nails are collated at an angle that makes them ideal for firing into tighter spaces. Available in lengths up to 2 1/2 inches long, angled nails are versatile for installing baseboard, chair rail, crown molding, door frames and window casings.

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Pin Nails

Pin Nails

Ideal For:

Used for general repairs, trim/molding and picture framing, the 23-gauge Arrow Pin Nails are the thinnest and shortest (3/8” and 1/2") of all finishing nails. They do not have a nail head, so they leave a very small hole in the wood and therefore do not typically require putty. One drawback is they offer limited holding strength.

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