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DIY: Sheet Music Plaque

Sheet Music Plaque

Getting Started

As Will Ferrell said in Elf, "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear." Celebrate your favorite Christmas carols this year while crafting and create a beautiful statement piece for your holiday decor! Grab your Arrow glue gun and JT21 staple gun to make your own!

You Will Need

Materials Needed


  • Christmas sheet music
  • Arrow JT21 staples
  • Arrow full size glue sticks
  • Green paper
  • 4 paint stirrer sticks
  • 12″ x 12″ balsa wood panel
  • Pine needle picks
  • Felt Christmas ornaments
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Start Building

Step 1

Start this project with your GT21DT Dual Temp Glue Gun. Plug in the glue gun and give it a few minutes to warm up. For this project, we recommend setting the glue gun to the LOW temp setting.

Glue the edges of your green blank sheets of paper to the wood panel, overlapping in the center. Next, glue the sheet music on top of these green sheets, covering the overlapping area.

Step 2

Load the JT21 staple gun with your JT21 staples – we used the 5/16″ size for this project. Staple the paint stirrer sticks to the edges of your wood plank to create a frame for your sheet music.

Step 3

Using the JT21 staple gun, staple your pine needle picks to the corners of your frame.

Step 4

Cut the hangers off your felt Christmas ornaments with a scissor. Place your Christmas ornaments over the pine needle picks and staple to the frame with your JT21 staple gun.


Display your new Christmas Sheet Music Plaque among other Christmas decorations on your mantle or end table for a festive look!

We’d love to see how your project turned out! Share your work with us on Facebook and Instagram by tagging @ArrowFastener or using #MadeWithArrow.

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