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DIY: Garden Wall

Garden Wall

Getting Started

The sun is shining, the skies are blue, and your backyard could use a little more green! Whether you’ve been thinking about starting an herb garden or you just want to plant some flowers, this garden wall is the perfect project to spruce up your space.

You Will Need

Materials Needed

Other Tools

  • Hammer (if extra support is needed for your pallet)


  • T50 staples
  • Wooden pallet (we used a 30″ x 30″ mini pallet)
  • 1 roll of landscaping fabric
  • Sandpaper
  • Two bags of potting soil
  • Potted herbs and/or flowers
  • Scrap wood, 3″ to 4″ wide and the same thickness as the pallet supports (if extra support is needed)
  • Nails (if extra support is needed)
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Start Creating

Step 1

It’s time to prep your pallet! Start by sanding down any rough spots.

If the back of your pallet isn’t well supported, find some scrap wood roughly 3″ to 4″ wide and as thick as the pallet’s supports. Cut it down to the width of your pallet and attach it to the back using a hammer and nails.

Step 2

Roll out the landscaping fabric over your pallet. Tack a staple in the top two corners using your T50 heavy-duty staple gun to help hold the fabric in place as you roll it out. Add another layer or two to ensure it’s thick enough to support the soil.

Step 3

Staple the landscaping fabric along the back supports, bottom, and sides of the pallet, leaving the top of the pallet open for planting. Be sure to fold in the fabric at the corners so the soil won’t spill out.

Step 4

Lay the pallet flat again, this time with the slats facing up, and pour your potting soil through the slats. Press the soil down firmly and remember to leave enough room for your herbs and flowers.

Step 5

Turn your pallet upright to allow the soil to settle. Start adding your herbs, working from the bottom of the pallet to the top.

We fit two herb plants in each section (four per slat row). And for added color, we planted six annual flowers in the top row of our garden wall.

Finished Product

Time to show off the newest addition to your backyard! If you have a covered patio, you could try using succulents for this project instead.

We’d love to see how your garden wall turned out! Share your work with us on Facebook and Instagram by tagging @ArrowFastener or using #MadeWithArrow.

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