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DIY Remodel: Wall Makeover

Wall Makeover

Getting Started

Transform your walls by adding elegant shadow box trim and chair rail for a total wall makeover. Whatever your skill level, this budget-friendly DIY project can be tackled easily over the weekend by using the handy Arrow PT18G Pneumatic Brad Nailer and PT23G Pneumatic Pin Nailer. Appropriate personal protective equipment such as safety goggles, gloves and hearing protection should be worn at all times.

You Will Need

Materials Needed

Other Materials

  • Arrow 23G25-1K 1" Pin Nails
  • Air compressor
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Level
  • Putty knife
  • Paint brush for touch-ups
  • Wood Trim – specific to size of walls - 4 walls: 2 short walls & 2 long walls
  • 2 - piece chair rail
  • 10 shadow box trim frames
  • 4 - 18” x 18 ½”
  • 4 - 18” x 28”
  • 2 - 18” x 18”
  • 1 - piece addition to existing baseboard
  • Glue
  • Wood filler
  • Paint
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Start Repairing

Step 1

The first thing we did was measure the walls chosen and decide on a layout. We positioned a chair rail 36” from the floor; added an additional 2” to the existing baseboard; spaced out 10 shadow box trim frames over 4 walls. (Since we didn’t want to rip out or replace the existing baseboards, we added a piece of trim molding to them.)

The first thing we did was measure the walls chosen and decide on a layout. We positioned a chair rail 36” from the floor; added an additional 2” to the existing baseboard; spaced out 10 shadow box trim frames over 4 walls. (Since we didn’t want to rip out or replace the existing baseboards, we added a piece of trim molding to them.)

Step 2

Transfer that design to the wall using a pencil, ruler and level. Draw on the wall with light marks, using the level for accuracy. This is your guide and a great way to discover any mistakes or discrepancies in the measurements.

Transfer that design to the wall using a pencil, ruler and level. Draw on the wall with light marks, using the level for accuracy. This is your guide and a great way to discover any mistakes or discrepancies in the measurements.

Step 3

Next, measure the marks on the wall again, and then make the materials for the baseboard addition from untreated, white pine 1 x 2s. The shadow box trim frames were all pre-cut and joined with glue at each corner. All pieces were then painted. Allow paint to dry completely.

Next, measure the marks on the wall again, and then make the materials for the baseboard addition from untreated, white pine 1 x 2s. The shadow box trim frames were all pre-cut and joined with glue at each corner. All pieces were then painted. Allow paint to dry completely.

Step 4

We are now ready to attach the 2” addition above the existing baseboard. Use the Arrow Pneumatic Brad Nailer to secure. Place a Brad nail every 8” to 10” until secure. Repeat process for remaining walls.

We are now ready to attach the 2” addition above the existing baseboard. Use the Arrow Pneumatic Brad Nailer to secure. Place a Brad nail every 8” to 10” until secure. Repeat process for remaining walls.

Step 5

Next, attach the shadow box trim. Run a bead of glue along the entire backside of the first frame. Place level on the top, adjust and hold in place with one hand. Secure using the Arrow PT23G Pneumatic Pin Nailer. Since glue is being used, it is not important to hit a stud. Once the glue is dry, the shadow box trim will not come loose. Place a pin nail approximately every 5” or 6”. Repeat process for remaining shadow box trim frames.

Next, attach the shadow box trim. Run a bead of glue along the entire backside of the first frame. Place level on the top, adjust and hold in place with one hand. Secure using the Arrow PT23G Pneumatic Pin Nailer. Since glue is being used, it is not important to hit a stud. Once the glue is dry, the shadow box trim will not come loose. Place a pin nail approximately every 5” or 6”. Repeat process for remaining shadow box trim frames.

Step 6

After all the shadow box trim frames have been secured to the wall, attach the bottom piece of the two-piece chair rail. Use the Arrow Pneumatic Brad Nailer to secure. Place a brad nail every 8” to 10” until secure. Repeat process for remaining walls.

After all the shadow box trim frames have been secured to the wall, attach the bottom piece of the two-piece chair rail. Use the Arrow Pneumatic Brad Nailer to secure. Place a brad nail every 8” to 10” until secure. Repeat process for remaining walls.

Step 7

Use the Arrow PT23G Pneumatic Pin Nailer to attach the second piece of chair rail. Repeat process for remaining walls.

Use the Arrow PT23G Pneumatic Pin Nailer to attach the second piece of chair rail. Repeat process for remaining walls.

Step 8

After all the materials have been attached to the wall, fill in the brad nail holes with wood putty. Then touch-up with a small brush. There is no need to fill the pin nail holes, just go over them with the paint brush and a dab of paint.

Now stand back and be amazed.

After all the materials have been attached to the wall, fill in the brad nail holes with wood putty. Then touch-up with a small brush. There is no need to fill the pin nail holes, just go over them with the paint brush and a dab of paint.

Now stand back and be amazed.

Finished Product

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