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DIY Upgrade: Outdoor Curtains

By: Kate Riley

Outdoor Curtains

Getting Started

Adding DIY outdoor curtains to your pergola or cabana is an easy project that provides ambiance and style! Make your own by using Arrow Fastener’s Multi Tool Grommet Kit, which makes hanging outdoor curtains a breeze!

You Will Need

Materials Needed

Additional Supplies

  • Outdoor curtains from any source
  • Mallet
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Start Repairing

Step 1

Read the pictorial instructions on the back of the Multi Tool Grommet Kit and familiarize yourself with the step-by-step process.

Read the pictorial instructions on the back of the Multi Tool Grommet Kit and familiarize yourself with the step-by-step process.

Step 2

Decide where you want your first grommet to go, then use the included hole punch tool to make the hole. Layer the curtain on top of the wood slice and pound with the mallet. The hole can also be made with simple household scissors, but be careful not to cut beyond the circumference of the grommet.

Decide where you want your first grommet to go, then use the included hole punch tool to make the hole. Layer the curtain on top of the wood slice and pound with the mallet. The hole can also be made with simple household scissors, but be careful not to cut beyond the circumference of the grommet.

Step 3

Layer the grommet washer between the fabric and the grommet stem. Use the mallet to pound the punch body and attached head to connect the grommet pieces.

Layer the grommet washer between the fabric and the grommet stem. Use the mallet to pound the punch body and attached head to connect the grommet pieces.

Step 4

Carefully following the instructions will yield a perfectly installed grommet!

Carefully following the instructions will yield a perfectly installed grommet!

Step 5

Continue applying grommets (between eight and nine for curtains, and between four- and five-feet wide).

Continue applying grommets (between eight and nine for curtains, and between four- and five-feet wide).

Step 6

Connect your grommet top outdoor curtains to your pergola or cabana by using plastic ring clips secured to the grommets.

Connect your grommet top outdoor curtains to your pergola or cabana by using plastic ring clips secured to the grommets.

Finished Product

Enjoy your DIY outdoor curtains as long as the weather stays warm!

Project 57 of 103

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