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Create: Letter Board

Letter Board

Getting Started

Whether you need some words of inspiration while you’re working from home or have some big news to announce, this simple DIY letter board project is a great addition to your home decor. All you need is your Arrow GT80 professional glue gun, some felt, wooden dowels, and a picture frame to get started.

You Will Need

Materials Needed

Other Tools

  • Ruler
  • Marker
  • Scissors or rotary cutter
  • Cutting mat (optional)


  • 9" x 12" felt sheets
  • 12" x 12" photo frame
  • Approximately 40 wooden square dowels (³⁄₁₆" x 12")
  • Arrow glue sticks
  • Message board letters (we used these)
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Start Creating

Step 1

Measure, mark, and cut your felt into roughly 40 strips that are 1″ x 12″ each.

Step 2

Using your GT80 professional glue gun, add a line of hot glue along one side of a dowel and press it into the center of one of your felt strips. Hold for a few seconds with firm pressure until the glue has set. Then add strips of glue down each of the remaining sides of the dowel, rolling the dowel over the felt to cover the dowel completely. Repeat this step for all 40 dowels.

Step 3

Now it’s time to glue your felt dowels into your frame. Add a dab of hot glue to two parallel sides of the back of the frame and firmly press the dowel down into the frame, with each dowel end in the hot glue. Repeat by adding and pressing each dowel firmly against the next, ensuring there are no gaps. Keep adding dowels, remembering to flip the frame over every now and then to make sure you’re happy with the placement.

Step 4

When all your dowels are in place and the glue is dry, it’s time to add a message!

Finished Product

Share your favorite quote, song lyrics, an important date, or whatever you’d like using your message board letters. Or you can even use it as a party decoration or a photo prop – the possibilities are endless!

Project 86 of 103

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