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DIY: Sunburst Mirror

Sunburst Mirror

Getting Started

Looking to add a boho-chic accent to a bedroom or foyer? Well, just grab your Arrow GT30Li cordless glue gun, pick up some paint-mixing sticks from the hardware store, and give this DIY sunburst mirror project a go!

You Will Need

Materials Needed

Other Tools

  • Stain rag or paint brush
  • Saw


  • Approximately 40 paint-mixing sticks
  • 10" wooden craft circle
  • 7" embroidery hoop
  • 7" circular mirror
  • Wood stain or paint of your choice
  • D-ring (to hang your mirror)
  • Arrow mini glue sticks
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Start Creating

Step 1

Gather your materials! Then, use a saw to remove the curved section off half of the paint-mixing sticks.

Step 2

Stain or paint your paint-mixing sticks – or you can leave some or all of them plain for a more natural look.

Step 3

Using your GT30Li cordless glue gun, attach the mirror to the 10” wooden craft circle, which will serve as the base. Then, glue the 7″ embroidery hoop around the mirror to frame it. Attach the D-ring to the back of the wooden base.

Step 4

Begin gluing the longer paint-mixing sticks to the wooden base around your framed mirror.

Step 5

Glue the trimmed paint-mixing sticks on top of the gaps between the longer ones to complete the sunburst pattern.

Finished Product

Hello, gorgeous! Now don’t forget to stop and smile every time you pass by.

We’d love to see how your DIY sunburst mirror turned out! Share your creation with us on Facebook and Instagram by tagging @ArrowFastener or using #MadeWithArrow.

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