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DIY Upcycle: Glass Gem Votive Holder

Glass Gem Votive Holder

Getting Started

Want to dress up a glass votive holder? Create a beautiful candle holder by gluing gemstones to the holder! Whether clear or colored beads, glass gem votive holders will bring lovely ambient lighting into your home. Plus, they’re very budget-friendly!

For this project, we chose Arrow’s TR550 All Purpose Glue Gun with removable precision nozzle and an integrated drip tray. The precise feed worked perfectly for the small gemstones, and the drip tray was a big help between gluing and attaching gemstones.

You Will Need

Materials Needed

Other Materials

  • Glass votive holder
  • Glass gemstones or beads (clear or colored)
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Other Materials

Start Repairing

Step 1

Start the project by first gluing glass beads around the bottom of the votive holder and working upward.

Start the project by first gluing glass beads around the bottom of the votive holder and working upward.

Step 2

Continue to glue the glass gemstones until the entire candle holder is covered.

Continue to glue the glass gemstones until the entire candle holder is covered.

Step 3

Place votive candle in holder, light and enjoy. It’s just that easy!

Place votive candle in holder, light and enjoy. It’s just that easy!

Finished Product

How does your votive holder look? Share your finished craft with us on Facebook, Instagram or X by tagging #MadeWithArrow.

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